Newsletter 2023


Under the motto “Poetry with a taste of the sea,” The XLII World Congress of Poets, took place from September 22nd to 29th, 2023, on board the DIVINA cruise, of the MSC line, departing from Civitavecchia (Rome), seven nights, on a beautiful journey by the Mediterranean Sea: Syracuse, (Italy), Valletta (Malta), Santorini and Mykonos (Greece).

151 people attended from the following countries: Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia/Brazil, United States/New Zealand, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Spain, France, Kosovo, Kosovo/Belgium, Poland, Israel, Hungary, Romania, Romania/Canada, Malaysia, Czech Republic/Germany, Serbia/United States, Montenegro, China, Cameroon, India, and Australia. 28 countries, all with the same desire to experience poetry!

The congress began with a welcome cocktail, where poets and companions shared the joy of the long-awaited reunion.

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The opening ceremony took place in the Black and White Hall with the presence of Dr Maria Eugenia Soberanis, president of WCP and the 42nd World Congress of Poets, Istvan Turczi, 2nd Vice President, María Guadalupe Chávez, 3rd Vice President, Patricia Garza, Secretary General, Bei Ta, Deputy Secretary General, Ricardo Bernal, Treasurer, Georges Chapouthier, Doc Drumheller, and Jeton Kelmendi, members of WCP Executive Committee, and the distinguished presence of Dr. Vincent Fu, personal representative of Dr. Yu Hsi, President of the World Academy of Art and Culture and Patron of WCP.

Among other important personalities, it is worth highlighting the presence of Candice Hung, Executive Secretary of the World Academy of Arts and Culture and Administrative Manager of Poem Culture Corporation; Lily Wang, Executive Secretary, Crane Summit 21st Century Int’l Forum; May Hung, Chief of Staff of the Crane Summit 21st Century Int`l Forum and Manager of Poem Culture Corporation, as well as Bartoz Henryk Czerwinski, interpreter at Crane Summit 21st Century Int`l. Forum and Special Assistant at Poem Culture Corporation.

Distinguished poets received the honorary doctorate in Literature 2023 awarded by the World Academy of Art and Culture: Graciela Paoli (Argentina), Sangeeta Gupta (India), Mawar Marzuki (Malaysia), Gong Xuan (China), Yang Weidong (China), Lulzim Tafa (Kosovo), Patricia Garza (Mexico), Irene Mercedes Aguirre (Argentina), Wang Fangwen (China), and Jeton Kelmendi (Kosovo).

Yu Heng Lee, from China, received Recognition as Poet Laureate, which was awarded to her at the XL World Congress of Poets in Budapest, which she could not attend at the last minute, so it was given to her on this occasion. The “Golden Gavel” was awarded to the president of the Congress Dr. Maria Eugenia Soberanis, by Vincent Fu, personal representative of Dr. Yu Hsi, president of WAAC. Beautiful visual art work by Ana Isabel Cordero from Ecuador garnished the hall.

99 poets participated in poetry reading in English, Spanish and Chinese Languages. There were 23 book presentations and two interesting conferences: Bei Ta “Let the Sea Poetry ride toward deep blue” in Chinese and English Languages and Chiqui Vicioso ”To be an intellectual today, old question” In Spanish language.

FUEGO, World Congress of Poets Literary Journal, was launched by the editor-in-chief and director of this project, Doc Drumheller. It will be an annual publication with a subscription fee of $20 USD that includes shipping. FUEGO is printed in New Zealand with excellent quality and content.The subscription form will be added soon, and general information can be found in a link on our page:

Besides publishing poetry from WCP members, it contains children's poetry and young writers, making it a publication of high literary value and a boost to new literature generations. For information:

Doc Drumheller founder and editor in chief presented CATALYST, an international poetry magazine which this year celebrates its 20th anniversary including poetry of WCP members.

The launching of the WCP editorial seal, by Jeton Kelmendi, editor-in-chief, took place, presenting the commemorative Anthology of the congress, and leaving the following email contact for poets interested in publishing under the editorial seal of World Congress of Poets.

Chinese artists Dong Faliang, (painter) and Cui Xuemin/Xue Ming (calligrapher) graced the sessions by exhibiting beautiful works in watercolor and calligraphy that they gifted to the attendees at the end of the congress.

The winners of three languages poetry contests were announced:Chinese, English and Spanish, who, in addition to the Diploma, each received a prize in dollars as follows: $125 USD to the winner of first place. $75 USD to the second-place winners and $50 USD to the third-place winners. In Chinese language:

They were:
First Place: Li Ziquo, for the poem: “Going out Early and coming back Late”
Second place: Yan Xi, for the poem “Confused”
Third Place: Chen Taiju, for the poem: “Watching the Map on a Train”

In English language:
First place: Klara Hurkova, for the poem “Fire”
Second place: Doc Drumheller, for the poem “Ode to a blackbird”
Third place: Liviu Pendefunda, for the poem “The all eternal being”

In Spanish language:
First place: Lilia Gutierrez Riveros, for the poem “Paìs soñado”
Second place: Chiqui Vicioso, for the poem “Mar ìntimo”
Third place: Graciela Paoli, for the poem “Racimo del verso”

The members of the Jury were thanked, and received a Recognition for their valuable collaboration, they were: In Chinese: Yi Dian, Bei Ta and Luo Luo. In English: Jacob Isaac, Istvan Turczi and Carine Topal In Spanish: Clara Luz Montoya, Kori Bolivia and Mauricio Leyva. Dr. Yu Hsi Scholarship Raffle, (among the 9 winners of the poetry contests), had as the winner: Li Ziquo from China. The prize covers the XLIII WCP fee in 2024.

During the Closing Ceremony, the Presidential Medal was awarded to the following personalities: Dr. Yu Hsi, for 20 years of valuable contributions and support to World Congress of Poets, it was received by his personal representative, Dr. Vincent Fu. Doc Drumheller, Founder, Director and editor-in-chief of FUEGO, the literary magazine of the World Congress of Poets. Jeton Kelmendi Founder and editor-in-chief of the World Congress of Poets editorial seal. Bei Ta, for more than 20 years of service in the Beijing office leading the World Congress of Poets delegation in China.

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The venue of the XLIII World Congress of Poets was displayed by Dr. Vincent Fu, with the kind invitation from Dr. Yu Hsi, President of the Congress, which will take place in Taiwan from December 8th to 13th, 2024. Modern and fascinating with the charm of exotic landscapes, temples, mountains and the warmth of its hosts, Taiwan is a very attractive cultural destination for the next world congress of poets. Registration information will be available at soon

The XLII World Congress of Poets concluded, having fulfilled an objective that fills us with joy, leaving a mark in the hearts of all participants. Thanks to Maria Eugenia Soberanis for giving us such a warm and successful congress. Thanks to each of the poets who made this beautiful congress possible, for leaving us in their verses a part of their being and for the unforgettable moments shared. See you in Taiwan!

Patricia Garza S.
Secretary General